Clarkston Speaks is the flagship broadcast and podcast serial program for the City of Clarkston. This series of shows are community and news-cycle driven. Tackling topics that are not only trending, but are also leading local, national and global conversations. Since the 2017 show creation and first production, Clarkston Speaks continues to give voice and resolutions to many issues from a local, focused and Clarkston-friendly perspective.
Produced show topics include: DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), Healthcare Policies & Awareness, Food Supply & Demand, Minority Youth Violence Prevention, The History of Clarkston & Diversity, Know Your (Deportation) Rights, Doing Business in Clarkston and DeKalb County, and Building Civility & Compassion (in- and outside of the political realm).
Clarkston Speaks, Thank You For Listening!